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==Effects of Helper Programming==
{{Quote|Slaves, specially bred and programmed for absolute obedience.|[[Veronica Fortuna|Miss Fortuna]]|Broken, Part 1}}
The Helper Corporation indoctrinates Helpers with the belief that their purpose is to serve their owners<ref></ref><ref></ref>. Helper Programming also assigns Helpers a [[enby:gender|gender]]<ref></ref>, with roughly one in six Helpers assigned [[enby:man|male]]<ref></ref>. When a Helper's pod is opened, a gas activates an enzyme in the Helper's bloodstream causing them to view the next [[Human|human]] they see as their owner<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>.
As part of their programming, Helpers are supposed to show unconditional love and adoration for their owners, even owners they just met<ref></ref><ref></ref> or owners who are abusive<ref></ref>.
Helpers are unable to refer to their owner by name, even if their owner wants them to<ref></ref><ref></ref>. They typically refer to their owners as "Master<ref></ref>" or "Mistress<ref></ref>." {{InfoUpdateFlag|9}} it is unknown how a Helper would address a [[enby:nonbinary|nonbinary]] owner.
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Helper Programming is designed to be very difficult to resist<ref></ref>. Nonetheless, some Helpers have made limited progress in fighting their programming. Some Helpers know they are trans despite The Helper Corporation's insistence to the contrary<ref></ref><ref></ref>, and [[Pandora]] used that knowledge to attempt to escape<ref></ref>.
During a mission to rescue [[Petrichor]], Pandora volunteers to do something dangerous<ref></ref>, even though [[Isabelle Monday|Isabelle]] explicitly said she didn't want Pandora to do anything dangerous<ref></ref>.
[[Maple]] demonstrates the ability to show she is unhappy even when [[Gabriel Glenholm|her Master]] wants her to look happy<ref></ref>.