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Pandora's Tale Wiki:PollIdeas

From Pandora's Tale Wiki

This is a page where anyone can suggest ideas for future polls to be featured on the home page. To suggest an idea, click on the "Add topic" button above.

Favorite unnamed character

Who is your favorite unnamed character in Pandora's Tale?

Which city are you most interested in seeing?

  • Atom City
  • Quorum City
  • Bluff City
  • Pluto City
  • Panhandle City

Is Zero a cavefish?

  • Yes
  • No

When Zero said she wanted "some of that fancy rich people food," what did she mean?

  • Zero wants to eat the food that rich people would normally eat.
  • Zero wants to eat the food that rich people would normally feed a pet cavefish.
  • Zero wants to eat rich people.
  • Other

Which resistance member would you most like to face as the final boss of a video game?

If you could play a video game where one member of the Pioneer City Resistance was the final boss, which character would you most like to face?

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