Pandora's Tale Wiki:Webcomic Independent Wiki List
Webcomic Wikis |
Since 2023 November 14, the main page has included a list of "Other Webcomic Wikis We Love." Since 1something is the only active editor, the list could more accurately be called "Other Webcomic Wikis 1something loves."
The exact same list has been copied onto the home pages of Widdershins Wiki since 2023 November 14, Rainverse Wiki since 2024 March 11, and since 2024 July 25. However, since June 2024, changes to the version of the list on Rainverse Wiki require approval of the Rainverse Wiki community. Hence, that list may eventually differ from the one here.
The requirements for listing a wiki have remained unchanged since the start, but they were not documented until June 2024.
The current criteria for listing
To be listed in the table, a wiki must satisfy all of the following conditions.
- The site must be a wiki.
- The wiki must be about one or more webcomics.
- The creature or organization managing the technical backend must be non-evil.
- In more detail, this means
- Editorial decisions should rest with the editing community, not the host.
- The editing community should have the ability to request technical changes to the site and expect help from the host, within the legal, technical, and financial limits of the host.
- The host must not insert LLM-generated nonsense into wiki articles.
- The host must not attempt to prevent the wiki community from migrating to a different host if the community so desires, either through technical or legal methods.
- Technical methods of preventing migration include keeping an old copy of departing wikis on their site, using an undocumented proprietary format for storing data to prevent it from being imported, or refusing to allow data exports at all.
- Legal methods of restricting migration include Terms of Service agreements granting the host ownership of all wiki text and prohibiting anyone from reposting it.
- The host must not be a bigot.
- In more detail, this means
- The wiki's software should not be egregiously outdated such that it causes problems for the wiki, or egregiously insecure. The definition of "egregiously" is up the interpretation of the Pandora's Tale Wiki community. The community may apply a different standard for new wikis to be added to the list than for removing existing wikis from the list.
- The Pandora's Tale Wiki community must think the wiki is of sufficiently high quality to recommend.
- One or more admins of the wiki must explicitly give Pandora's Tale Wiki permission to list them. This list is "opt-in."
The following criteria are not and have never been requirements for inclusion on the list, but one or more creature has mistakenly thought they were requirements.
- Reciprocity: Listed wikis are not required to link back to other listed wikis. The list was partially inspired by NIWA, and NIWA requires all member wikis to link to all other member wikis. However, we are not NIWA. Of the nine webcomic wikis on the list, only three currently link to other listed wikis.
- Use of MediaWiki: Though most listed wikis use MediaWiki, this is not a requirement. In particular, Pepper & Carrot Wiki and Leif and Thorn Wiki do not use MediaWiki.