Pandora: Difference between revisions

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===Con Yung===
Con witnessed Isabelle rescue Pandora<ref></ref>. Though Con initially considered Pandora to be a stranger<ref></ref>, Con quickly warmed up to Pandora<ref></ref>. Con is nonetheless weirded out by some of the effects of Pandora's [[Helper programming|programming]]<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>. Pandora also seems to like Con<ref></ref>. Con didn't know or think much about Helpers prior to meeting Pandora<ref></ref>, but she knew that what The Helper Corporation did to Pandora is what the Resistance exists to fight against<ref></ref><ref></ref>
When Isabelle asked Con to watch Pandora for one night, Con was initially reluctant but agreed<ref></ref>. Con intended to keep Pandora out of trouble<ref></ref>, and so Con got scared when [[Hemmel]] insisted on bringing Pandora on a dangerous mission<ref></ref>. Con tried to remain overly protective of Pandora throughout the evening<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>, largely because Con was afraid of how Isabelle would react if Pandora got hurt<ref></ref><ref></ref>. Months later, Con remained uneasy about her role in Pandora's escapade<ref></ref>, and she was seemingly surprised by Pandora's subsequent antics<ref></ref>.