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Pandora was born in a [[Helper Corporation facility]] on January 1, 2064. Pandora was assigned Helper version three, orange cohort, male, and designation number 6165 at birth<ref></ref>. [[The Helper Corporation]] subjected Pandora to a [[Helper programming|horrific brainwashing and indoctrination "training" program]]<ref></ref> to make her into a slave<ref></ref>. During "training," she was forced to use a dangerous<ref></ref> virtual reality headset<ref></ref>.
She knew she did not like being a boy, and eventually, she realized that other boys did like being boys<ref></ref>. After experiencing a literal moment of impact, Pandora realized she wanted to be a girl<ref></ref>. A short time later, with the help of other Helpers<ref></ref>, Pandora realized that she <i>is</i> a girl<ref></ref>.
When Pandora's [[Product Care Agent]] [[Kyndley]] realized Pandora was serious about being a girl<ref></ref>, Kyndly said Pandora's gender was "inconvenient.<ref></ref>" Kyndly planned to erase Pandora's memory and give her a new personality<ref></ref>. Hence, Pandora tried to run away, while shouting "I'm not a boy!<ref></ref>" While escaping through a vent<ref></ref>, Pandora mentally grappled with the conflict between her knowledge that she is a girl and her programming's requirement to believe whatever [[Monopolith]] and Kyndley said about her<ref></ref>
After climbing through the vent, Pandora found herself in a shipping area, where fully- brainwashed Helpers were being shipped to buyers<ref></ref> When Pandora realized the authorities were going to catch her, she climbed into a shipping container and was shipped out along with the other Helpers<ref></ref>. Inside the pod, Pandora reflected on her experience and wished she wasn't broken<ref></ref>.
By a stroke of good luck, the delivery drone carrying Pandora made an emergency landing, probably due to an engine failure<ref></ref>, which allowed the Pioneer City Resistance to rescue her<ref></ref>. [[Zero Angiers]] hacked the security on the pod<ref></ref>, while [[Isabelle Monday]] literally opened [[Pandora's Box]]<ref></ref>.
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Isabelle, in turn, loves and cares for Pandora<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>. Pandora gives Isabelle determination to fight against Monopolith<ref></ref>. Isabelle is very quick to come to Pandora's defense<ref></ref>, as well as quick to trust Pandora<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>. Isabelle also tries hard to help Pandora learn to navigate the world<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>.
In spite ofDespite her programming, Pandora is sometimes able to do things for the resistance against Isabelle's wishes<ref></ref>. MoreoeverHowever, Pandora sometimes gets frustrated with Isabelle<ref></ref><ref></ref>.
===Con Yung===
Con witnessed Isabelle rescue Pandora<ref></ref>. Though Con initially considered Pandora to be a stranger<ref></ref>, Con quickly warmed up to Pandora<ref></ref>. Con is nonetheless weirded out by some of the effects of Pandora's [[Helper programming|programming]]<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>. Pandora also seems to like Con<ref></ref>. Con didn't know or think much about Helpers prior tobefore meeting Pandora<ref></ref>, but she knew that what The Helper Corporation did to Pandora is what the Resistance exists to fight against<ref></ref><ref></ref>
When Isabelle asked Con to watch Pandora for one night, Con was initially reluctant but agreed<ref></ref>. Con intended to keep Pandora out of trouble<ref></ref>, and so Con got scared when [[Hemmel]] insisted on bringing Pandora on a dangerous mission<ref></ref>. Con tried to remain overly protective of Pandora throughout the evening<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>, largely because Con was afraid of how Isabelle would react if Pandora got hurt<ref></ref><ref></ref>. Months later, Con remained uneasy about her role in Pandora's escapade<ref></ref>, and she was seemingly surprised by Pandora's subsequent antics<ref></ref>.
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Zero was responsible for finding<ref></ref> and unlocking [[Pandora's Box]]<ref></ref><ref></ref>. She also helped explain key aspects of [[Helper programming|Pandora's programming]] to the rest of the resistance<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>. Nonetheless, Zero's relationship with Pandora has at best been antagonistic. Zero initially suggested selling Pandora on the black market<ref></ref>. Pandora seemed to annoy Zero enough that Zero denied being a [[cavefish]]<ref></ref>. When Pandora asked to join the resistance, Zero strenuously objected<ref></ref>, and Zero was visibly annoyed when [[Hemmel]] allowed Pandora in anyways<ref></ref>.
Months later, Zero got angry at Pandora for apparently slacking off on a mission<ref></ref>, despiteeven the fact thatthough Zero [[w:Hypocrisy|was ''actually'' slacking off]]<ref></ref>.
== Trivia ==
