Pandora's Tale Wiki:Things to Do
These are the things we have to do to create a good reference for Pandora's Tale. Help is greatly appreciated, but make sure you have read the rules of Pandora's Tale Wiki.
One-Time Tasks
- Revamp the home page.
- Figure out a way to automatically list all chapters a character appears in, based on the character lists from the chapter articles.
Automatically include chapter articles in "Character X Appearances" categories.Automatically list the number of chapters each character appears in on the Characters table.- Make it so that the "Character X Appearances" categories are automatically included in Category:Chapters by character appearances.
- Create a manual of style.
- This step can probably wait until we have more editors.
- Decide on a policy for uploading images
- Overhaul the article on Pandora's Tale.
- Go through every article that references Xan's social media and separate Semi-Canon information.
Once-Per Chapter Tasks
The following tasks are things we will have to do every time a new chapter is released to stay up to date.
- Update the list of chapters. As of Chapter 11 this is done.
- Create an article for each chapter. As of Chapter 11 this is done.
- Add the category for appearances of each new character to Category:Chapters by character appearances and Category:Character X. As of Chapter 11 this is done.
- Add the category for everything related to each new character to Category:Individual Character Categories. As of Chapter 11 this is done.
- Update the list of characters. As of Chapter 11 this is done.
- Update the character navbox template. As of Chapter 11 this is done.
- Add more citations to the sentence in Pandora's article with the most citations. As of Chapter 11 this is done.
- Create an article for each named character. As of Chapter 11
- Add the category "Characters debuting in X" to Category:Characters by first appearance. As of Chapter 11 this is done.
- Upload an image of each new character, and add the image to the individual character category and Category:Character Media. As of Chapter 11 this is done.
- Update the list of cities. As of Chapter 11 this is done.
- Create an article for each city. This has never been completed.
- Update the list of sectors. As of Chapter 11 this is done.
- Create an article for each sector. As of Chapter 11 this is done.
- Update the current chapter number in Template:InfoUpdateFlag. As of Chapter 11 this is done.
- Update all pages using Template:InfoUpdateFlag.
- Update this page.
Ongoing Tasks
The following tasks are things that will require an ongoing effort:
- Create pages for each link in Special:WantedPages.
- Add text to each category in Special:WantedCategories.
- Overhaul articles and sections in need of expansion.
- Add categories to uncategorized pages.