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'''Natalya Ustrashkina''' is the second in command of the Pioneer City Resistance. She is fiercely dedicated to the cause<ref>https://pandorastale.com/characters/</ref>, and is very fond of using explosives<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2020/07/29/chapter-5-page-14/</ref><ref>https://pandorastale.com/2020/07/30/chapter-5-page-15/</ref>.
===Before Pandora's Box===
===After Pandora's Box===
{{#lsth:Pandora|Natalya Ustrashkina}}
===Isabelle Monday===
{{#lsth:Isabelle Monday|Natalya Ustrashkina}}
===Con Young===
{{#lsth:Con Yung|Natalya Ustrashkina}}
{{#lsth:Hemmel|Natalya Ustrashkina}}
===Noor Shah===
===Veronica Fortuna===
===Zero Angiers===
=== Trivia ===
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