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Sisters in Arms, Part 1: Difference between revisions

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Isabelle introduces Pandora to [[Hemmel]], the leader of the Pioneer City Resistance, and [[Natalya Ustrashkina]], their second-in-command<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2019/11/16/chapter-3-page-10/</ref>. Pandora approaches Hemmel and asks to join the resistance<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2019/11/17/chapter-3-page-11/</ref>, but she is unable to articulate why she wants to join<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2019/11/18/chapter-3-page-12/</ref>. Zero says Helpers shouldn't be allowed in the resistance due to them not being [[Human|human]], but Hemmel and Natalya scold Zero, reminding her the resistance exists to fight for the oppressed<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2019/11/19/chapter-3-page-13/</ref>.
Pandora and Lyra hear the [[Bookends]], a trio of customers, make [[enby:Cissexism|transphobic]] comments about Isabelle, which Pandora and Lyra scold them for<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2019/11/21/chapter-3-page-15/</ref>. Pandora gushes about how great Isabelle is, and nearly says that Isabelle is her mistress, but Isabelle interjects that she is Pandora's sister<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2019/11/22/chapter-3-page-16/</ref>, as the Bookends could be suspicious if they think a poor person owns a helper<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2019/11/23/chapter-3-page-17/</ref>.
While Isabelle dances<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2019/11/24/chapter-3-page-18/</ref>, Con alerts Miss Fortuna to the presence of a cop<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2019/11/26/chapter-3-page-20/</ref>, and Isabelle prepares to deal with him while Pandora watches nervously<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2019/11/27/chapter-3-page-21/</ref>.
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