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Tallulah<ref>https://mastodon.art/@comicsbyxan/111165581471311683</ref><ref>https://archive.today/fbMLM</ref> alerts Isabelle that her favorite client, [[Belgian Vicky]], has entered the club. Echo realizes that Isabelle is a sex worker, and points out that sex work is against the law. Isabelle jokingly asks whether Echo is a cop, and Echo is visibly uncomfortable until Isabelle says it was a joke<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2023/10/02/chapter-9-page-11/</ref>. [[Lyra Lujic]] and Isabelle greet Belgian Vicky, who explains to Echo that she isn't actually Belgian: others just call her Belgian Vicky because she ate waffles once<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2023/10/03/chapter-9-page-12/</ref>.
As Zufolene dances, Echo comments that the club is different from what she was expecting, and Pandora says Echo is different from other Helpers she knows<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2023/10/04/chapter-9-page-13/</ref>. Echo gives Pandora a talk about not waiting to do what you want to do, which Lyra appreciates<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2023/10/05/chapter-9-page-14/</ref>. Echo then tells Pandora she wants to join the Resistance before walking off, leaving Pandora spooked and Lyra confused<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2023/10/06/chapter-9-page-15/</ref>.
In another room, Hemmel thanks Pandora over video chat for the information about Echo. Zero is suspicious, and Miss Fortuna says she knows very little about Echo<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2023/10/06/chapter-9-page-15/</ref>. Hemmel asks Zero to run a background check on Echo, while Pandora expresses confidence that Echo is trustworthy<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2023/10/10/chapter-9-page-17/</ref>.
Some time later, a pair of resistance members blindfold Echo and take her<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2023/10/11/chapter-9-page-18/</ref> to the resistance base<ref>https://mastodon.art/@comicsbyxan/111222490297054727</ref><ref>https://archive.today/60Q5H</ref>.
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