Thinking Too Much to Think Positively

From Pandora's Tale Wiki
Revision as of 02:22, 12 February 2023 by 183231bcb (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{NeedsExpansion}} '''''Thinking Too Much to think positively'''''<ref></ref>, also called '''''Comics By Xan'''''<ref></ref><ref></ref> due to its URL, is an episodic webcomic series by Xanthippe Hutcheon. It can be read for free [ on the comic'...")
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Thinking Too Much to think positively[1], also called Comics By Xan[2][3] due to its URL, is an episodic webcomic series by Xanthippe Hutcheon. It can be read for free on the comic's site.

Many pages are one-off jokes about the author's life. Others make jokes about other entertainment media, and a few directly reference Pandora's Tale.