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Broken, Part 2: Difference between revisions

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=== Synopsis ===
Picking up immediately after the previous chapter, the [[Pioneer City]] [[The Resistance|resistance]] is driving home with [[Pandora]]. [[Isabelle Monday|Isabelle]] freaks out over Pandora imprinting on her, while [[Veronica Fortuna|Veronica]] reassures herIsabelle<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2019/11/04/chapter-2-page-1/</ref>. Isabelle, Veronica, Con, and Zero introduce themselves and explain that they are in the resistance<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2019/11/04/chapter-2-page-2/</ref>.
Pandora explains that she is "broken" because she's a girl despite being assigned male<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2019/11/04/chapter-2-page-3/</ref>, and Isabelle responds that she is also a trans woman, and assures Pandora that she's not broken<ref>https://pandorastale.com/2019/11/04/chapter-2-page-4/</ref>.
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