Pandora's Tale Wiki:Manual of Style

From Pandora's Tale Wiki
Revision as of 17:29, 2 July 2023 by 183231bcb (talk | contribs)

There is no Manual of Style. Currently, there is only one active editor on Pandora's Tale Wiki. This page documents some of the style practices I am following and their justifications.

Should any new editors join the wiki, they do not necessarily need to adhere to any of the practices on this page (these style practices are not rules). If new editors do join, then they should discuss what the actual Manual of Style should say, and none of the practices here should be given precedent just because I did them first.

While I remain the only active editor, I might change anything on this page at any time for any reason or no reason at all.

Article Names

I usually try to use "official" names given in the comic itself or in Xan's commentary. Sometimes, unnamed characters are given short descriptions in the comic script (which is available as alt-text to the comic on Mastodon). These short descriptions are not always suitable for use as article titles, and Xan explained why on the talk page for The Courier. Hence, I will not automatically consider these descriptions "official names" even though they do come from Xan.

Articles About Real People

I have no plans to make articles about real people. There is an article about Adrian, but I didn't make it: Adrian did. "Xan" currently redirects to Xan's user page (which she made). I have no plans to write articles for other real people, even those who appear in TTMTTP.

References to Non-Xan Entertainment Media

Thinking Too Much To Think Positively contains many direct representations of entertainment media that was not originally created by Xan. I am not interested in covering that material on this wiki: most such media has other wikis dedicated to it elsewhere. In cases where Xan says certain plot points in Pandora's Tale were inspired by other media, I might note such statements in the article's trivia section.


Currently, the wiki treats everything in the comic as well as Xan's public statements on social media as equally canon. When I asked Xan on Discord whether citing her social media posts was appropriate, she said she didn't mind me citing them, but that some of the things she says outside of the comic are things she hasn't firmly decided on yet. In the future, I plan to implement a "semi-canon" template similar to the one on Zelda Wiki.

All cited social media posts should be archived. Social media posts in a format that cannot be archived, such as Discord messages or Mastodon direct messages, cannot be cited. All references to or should be changed to

On 2023 June 30, Twitter made it so that users without an account cannot view any tweets, and in the process they broke nitter. Hence, no tweets after this date can be archived or cited unless Twitter rolls back the change.

If Xan revises and republishes some pages of the comic, only the newest revision is considered canon. So far, this has only occured once: when Xan modified Chapter 4, Page 21 for the book release to remove Kyndley's title. Hence, the title "Overseer" for Kyndley is no longer canon[1][2][3][4][5].

Uploading Images

This has its own page.

On the lack of an article for That Guy

That Guy[6][7][8][9], also known as That Cis Guy, Random Jerk[10], Generic Jerk, and Blondie, does not currently have an article. He is not from non-Xan media, nor is he a real person, so he is eligible for an article. There are two reasons he doesn't have one yet. Firstly, I just haven't been motivated to make one. Additionally, I think it is funny to imagine how he would react if he read the wiki and found out he didn't have an article.

Note that if I did create an article for him, "That Guy" would be considered an unofficial name, since we've only heard it in the scripts.

Major Character Articles

Articles for "major" characters in Pandora's Tale follow a different format than articles for minor characters or TTMTTP characters. This requires a definition of "major character." I consider a named non-metafictional character to be a major character if they satisfy **any** of the following conditions.

  1. They are in the top $\lfloor\sqrt{\mathrm{Total number of named non-metafictional characters}}\rfloor$ named non-metafictional characters ranked by the number of chapters they appear in.
    1. In the case of a tie, more characters are included as major characters.
    2. As of Chapter Eight, there are 21 named-non-metafictional characters, so the top four would be major characters. However, there is a three-way tie for third through fifth place: Con, Ms. Fortuna, and Zero all appear in exactly seven chapters. Hence, five characters are considered "major" under this rule:Pandora, Isabelle, Con, Ms. Fortuna, and Zero.
  2. Any character who would haven been a major character under condition (1) when there were fewer chapters.
    1. As of chapter eight, no additional characters qualify under this rule.
      1. In Chapter 1, there are only two or three named characters: Isabelle, Zero, and possibly Pandora (if you count her name on the title page even though she hasn't actually gotten a name yet). Hence they would qualify as major characters.
      2. By the end of Chapter 2, there are six named characters, five of whom appear in both Chapters 1 and 2: Pandora, Isabelle, Con, Ms. Fortuna, and Zero. Hence, those five would qualify as major characters under this rule.
      3. The same five characters go on to appear in every chapter of Book 1, maintaining a five way tie on first place while there are less than 36 named non-metafictional characters. Hence, they shut out any other characters from qualifying under this rule during Book 1.
  3. The winner of a once-per-book Pandora's Tale Character Tournament.
    1. Doctor Shah won the Book One Character Tournament and hence she qualifies as a major character.
    2. By the time we get to the Pandora's Tale Book Two Character tournament, I'll probably have either changed my mind about the qualification rules for being a major character, or given up on the wiki entirely. On the off chance I do neither of those things, the winner of the Book Two Character tournament will become a major character if they don't already qualify through number of appearances.

The "Relations" section

Every major character article has a section detailing the character's relationships with every other major character. Characters in this section should be listed in a particular order: Pandora comes first, followed by Isabelle, followed by all other major characters in alphabetical order by first name.

If A and B are two major characters, and A comes before B in the given ordering, then the subsection of A's article about B should be transcluded into B's article (not the other way around).