The Resistance

From Pandora's Tale Wiki

The Resistance is an organization dedicated to fighting for the poor and oppressed. They fight bad guys[1]. Though many in the resistance are sympathetic to the plight of Helpers, freeing the Helpers is not the resistance's primary focus[2].

The resistance is organized into cells, based at different locations[3].

Hemmel is the leader of the Pioneer City cell, and Natalya Ustrashkina is their second-in-command[4].

For long-range communication, members of the resistance refer to each other by call signs instead of their real names[5].

Members of the Resistance

Real name Call sign Cell
Pandora Charm Pioneer City
Isabelle Monday unknown Pioneer City
Con Yung Paragon Pioneer City
Hemmel Example Pioneer City
Natalya Ustrashkina Example Pioneer City
Noor Shah Example Pioneer City
Veronica Fortuna Example Pioneer City
Zero Angiers Example Pioneer City
Zufolene Example Pioneer City
Tallulah Zaragoza Example Pioneer City
Petrichor Example Example
The Courier Example Example