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Echo is a Helper[4], a member of the Pioneer City Resistance, and a former member of the Pluto City Office of Public Order. Her call sign is Phantom.[5]

See Also

Characters of Pandora's Tale
Main Characters
PandoraIsabelle Monday
Major Characters
Con Yung‎Hemmel‎Natalya UstrashkinaNoor ShahVeronica Fortuna‎Zero Angiers
Introduced in Volume 1
AdrasteaAndromeda‎Bookend 1‎Bookend 2Bookend 3CassiopeiaEric Michael Fishguard‎Gabriel Glenholm‎Hamilton Smith-RawnsleyKyndleyLeo‎LululuLyra LujicMaple‎Marigold‎Older CopPandora's dark-furred friendPandora's light-furred friend‎PetrichorResistance member with a half undercut‎Resistance member with an eyepatchTallulah Zaragoza‎The Courier‎Younger CopZufolene
Introduced in Volume 2
AmeliaBeckBelgian VickyBryn RowntreeEchoElodieFazakerley CastellanHenry R. MeolsJim St. MichaelKirby WestLaine GreenLeyland DelamereMonoMart ClerkStanlow ThorntonVan Tilburg
CharactersUnseen or Implied Characters


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