Humans are one of the two sentient species in Pandora's Tale, along with Helpers. Humans are distinguished from Helpers by their lack of tail[1], as well as having ape-ears instead of cat ears.
In the United Sectors of North America, humans have some legal rights, whereas Helpers do not[2].
Notable Humans
- Isabelle Monday
- Veronica Fortuna
- Con Yung
- Zero Angiers
- Noor Shah
- Hemmel
- Natalya Ustrashkina
- Lyra Lujic
- Tallulah Zaragoza
- Zufolene
- Gabriel Glenholm
- Kyndley
- Petrichor
- Eric Michael Fishguard
- Hamilton Smith-Rawnsley
- The Courier
- Older Cop
- Younger Cop
- Bookend 1
- Bookend 2
- Bookend 3
- Van Tilburg
- Beck
- Belgian Vicky
- Resistance member with an eyepatch
- Resistance member with a half undercut
- Stanlow Thornton
- Leyland Delamere
- Bryn Rowntree
- Jim St. Michael
- Kirby West
- Laine Green
- Fazakerley Castellan
- Henry R. Meols
- Amelia
- MonoMart Clerk